How to save money while preparing for your Private Pilot CHECKRIDE!

Hey Student Pilots! I just thought I’d share this site with you. It very cool, online video training for your oral exam, and they guarantee you will pass your checkride. It is the most realistic, true to real life training you will find anywhere. Refer your student pilot friends too!

If any of you student pilots are getting close to taking your CHECKRIDE then this online training program will help you greatly! It is designed to walk you through everything you need to know to get through your CHECKRIDE. It focuses on presenting the information to the examiner, problem solving and scenario based testing. There’s also a very detailed section on analyzing weather and decision making.

They guarantee that you will pass your CHECKRIDE or you will get your money back!

They also offer some of the flight training products from this site as a bonus! The program is for U.S. pilot certification training only.

When you consider that there are 5 hours of extremely detailed training and some free bonus material for a fraction of what you’d pay an instructor for the same training, it’s a perfect way to get training for free and save money while studying for your checkride! Click the link below to check it out.

Take Care!

Checkride Oral Exam Prep

Checkride Prep Training